Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Dexter Opening Sequence Remake (21/11/2011)



Please click on the link to see the video...

Evaluation - By Maisy Osbon 
Due to a complication on the first day of our shoot, Joe Fitz was unable to be present, leaving Abbie Hales and myself to make decisions on roughly half of the shots we did on that day. Obviously with one member down on that day, we were a little apprehensive about what to do, but once we started filming, the concept became easier and we were fine with what we had to do. Abbie and I switched roles of being in charge of the camera, so we both got chances to get used to the equipment.

On the second day of our shoot, Joe was present for all of it and we found our way comfortably into the work, following the original piece of Dexter footage. For the purpose of this re-creation, we used two actors - my brother Jack Osbon and group member Joe Fitzpatrick.

We all edited together and used it as a learning process. This Dexter re-creation was the first official piece that Joe, Abbie and I did as a newly formed group. I think we all learned a lot from this. Personally, I learnt that organising everything beforehand makes everything so much easier when you're in the middle of filming and a problem arises, and also that working in a team in media, really is a group effort and that when everyone pulls their weight, you can get the best results.

Evaluation - Abbie Hales
On the first day of filming only myself and Maisy Osbon were present on the day. We were unable to have contact with Joe Fitz due to the circumstances of why he was not present.
Due to the lack of contact we were unable to confer with eachother about the shots and how we should go about them, so the decisions on that day were down to me and maisy.
On the 2nd day of filming Joe was present so this made shooting decisions easier as we able to decide as a group. The shooting went very well and we all had a go at shooting over the 2 days.

From the experience of our first offical fimlming and editing as a group I found many strengths and weaknesses as a group and myself individually.
Some weaknesses were the organisational side of the whole thing, I feel that we should have been a lot more organised and prepared than we were, Also although Jack made a convincing Dexter me and Joe were unable to be present during his filming parts. Although this worked it meant we were not present to decide on shots and changing some actions we had to go with Maisy's judgement. Also when filming none of the extra seconds were added between shots, so this made editing more of a challange. This just means its a mistake to learn from. I felt some of my weaknesses where not making myslef be more involved or heard in the judgements opposed to Joe and Maisy when filming.
Some of the positives of the whole process was that we figured out how different shots work and how to use the equipment. We also were able to find out how we would work and get along as a group as we had recently changed both our group dynamics. Maisy was the 'newcomer' into the group as me and Joe and been together in another group.
Some of my strengths I found was that I felt more comfortabe and confident in the editing more than the filming. I took more control in the editing and made more decisions in that process than I did before.
I feel that overall as a group, where our strengths lie make us a strong group and it helps that we work well together. I feel like our weaknesses help us to work harder and help us to learn from our mistakes.

Evaluation - Joe Fitzpatrick
Due to personal reasons, I was unable to be present on the first day and was unable to be into contact with my group members for the first day. I was there on the second day so was able to participate in all further group decisions if they needed to be made. 
A weakness I believe was the fact that we used two different actors throughout, I am unsure if it is obvious to the audience as obvious as it is to us as we are more aware of the different actors. I also believe that it lacked continuity as we shot over two different days and on the first day we shot during the day and the second day we shot in the evening. I believed that it was difficult to recreate a piece of media that already existed, it was also the first group project we undertook together. I think we underestimated how much could actually go wrong on a media project. 
I believe that it was a good shooting atmosphere as we were all friends and found it easy to work together. 
Other strengths I believe were that we had a template of what to work with and that all of our ideas on how we should go about shooting were quite similar. We all each took a role shooting and editing and all learned from each other and we learned from the mistakes that occurred on the shoot. I learned that with a media project, you definitely have to organize it beforehand before attempting to shoot a piece of media. 

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